January 2019 HomeWard Bound Newsletter

Wednesday, January 16, 2019   /   by Mary Aromin

January 2019 HomeWard Bound Newsletter

“HoME”WARD Bound
Impactful Real Estate News

Evelyn Lopes
The Evelyn Lopes Realty Team
Your Home Sold Guaranteed!

Evelyn PIC WEB Format.JPG


And The New Year’s Resolution is…
Round about this time of year most begin to make resolutions.  I think the idea is to resolve to be better, do better or accomplish something grander in the NEW year.  However, for whatever reason most fall short of keeping a resolution let alone achieving them! I for one have been guilty of it. How about you?
There’s a great book that helped me and my team dramatically improve our follow through on achieving important goals and I want to share it with you – as sort of a Happy New Year, After Christmas Gift.
Before I share the book details, here is my TWO PART resolution to you and anyone you know considering selling the place they call home!
Part one: The Guarantee!
I will guarantee, in writing, the sell of your home for 100% of Asking Price or I’ll Pay the Difference.*  
Part two: The Give Back!
Just like last year, we are on a mission to raise funds for both Sick Kids Hospital & Choices Youth Shelter. We do this by donating to them a portion of our income from homes we sell.  As you know Sick Kids does awesome work in helping kids fight through and survive nasty life threatening diseases like cancer, Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, leukemia and others.  They also lead the way in early diagnosis of Autism and rapid recovery from spinal cord injuries.
Most don’t know though that Sick Kids is a non-profit, so they depend on sponsorships and donations to provide their world class care and keep costs for families of these beautiful kids to a minimum.  So when you or anyone you know does business with is, not only do we deliver on our award-winning service, you can rest assured a very worthy cause benefits as well.  
If you or anyone you know is considering selling, give me a call or pass on my number.  Thank you!! My direct number is 905-965-5902.
The book I mentioned is The Success Principles (How to get from where you are to where you want to be) by Jack Canfield

This book should be permanently on your reading list. A couple of chapters I recommend you read included:
  • Take 100% Responsibility for Your Life
  • Practice Persistence
  • Clean up Your Messes and Your Incompletes
  • Face What Isn’t Working
  • Just Say No!
If you read these chapters only, you’ll feel 10 times better than if you hadn’t — trust me!
Happy New Year!!!
With much Gratitude
Evelyn Lopes